Look for complete geospatial metadata in this layer's associated xml document available from the download link * Metric Name: Annual Biomass Data 2001 and 2021, WWETAC (Western Wildland Environmental Threat Assessment Center) * Tier: 2 * Data Vintage: 2001 and 2021 * Unit Of Measure: kg/m2 * Metric Definition and Relevance: Biomass estimates for shrubland-dominated ecosystems in southern California have, to date, been limited to national or statewide efforts which can underestimate the amount of biomass; are limited to one-time snapshots; or estimate aboveground live biomass only. These data were developed using a consistent, repeatable method to assess four vegetative biomass pools from 2001-2021 for the southern California study area (totaling 6,441,208 ha), defined by the Level IV Ecoregions (Bailey 2016) that intersect with USDA Forest Service lands (Figure 1). Aboveground live biomass estimates were developed first (Schrader-Patton and Underwood 2021), and then belowground, standing dead, and litter biomass pools were calculated using field data in the peer-reviewed literature (Schrader-Patton et al. 2022). Over half (52.3%) of the study area is shrubland, and the method accounts for different amounts of carbon associated with three post-fire shrub regeneration strategies: obligate resprouting, obligate seeding, and facultative seeding. Biomass estimates were also generated for trees and herbs, giving a total of five life form post-fire regeneration strategy types. These data provide an important contribution to the management of shrubland-dominated ecosystems to assess the impacts of wildfire and management activities, such as fuel management and restoration, and for monitoring carbon storage over the long term. These data have been prepared for the Southern California Region only. The biomass data are a key input into the online web mapping tool SoCal EcoServe, developed for US Department 0f Agriculture Forest Service resource managers to help evaluate and assess the impacts of wildfire on a suite of ecosystem services including carbon storage. The tool is available at and described in Underwood et al. (2022). * Creation Method: Researchers generated spatial estimates of above ground live biomass (AGLBM) for 2000-2021 for the southern California area, illustrated in the figure below. The study area, totaling 6,441,208 ha, is defined by the 42 Level IV Ecoregions (Bailey 2016) that intersect the four southern US Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Forests in southern California; Angeles, Cleveland, Los Padres, and San Bernardino: The researchers created biomass raster layers (30m spatial resolution) by modeling a set of covariates (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index [NDVI]), precipitation, solar radiation, actual evapotranspiration, aspect, slope, climatic water deficit, elevation, flow accumulation, landscape facets, hydrological recharge and runoff, and soil type) to predict AGLBM using 766 field plots from the USDA Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA); the Landfire Reference Database (LFRDB) plot data; and other research plots. The dates of field data spanned 2001-2012. The NDVI raster data were derived from Landsat TM/ETM+/OLI multispectral satellite data (onboard Landsat 5, 7, and 8, respectively). NDVI data were composited from all available Landsat images for the months of July and August for each year 2001-2021. Annual precipitation data for each water year (October 1 - September 30) 2001-2021 were downloaded from PRISM (). For each field plot, we extracted the raster values for all covariates; NDVI and precipitation data were matched to the year of plot visit. AGLBM was predicted using the set of 17 covariates in a Random Forest [RF] model in R statistical computing software. To create an AGLBM raster surface for each year 2001-2021, NDVI and precipitation raster data specific to each year werre integrated into the RF model (see [Schrader-Patton and Underwood 2021](https://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/13/8/1581) for details). To estimate other shrubland biomass pools (standing dead, litter, and below ground) a multi-step process was employed: 1) First, the study area was segmented by community type using the California Wildlife Habitat Relationships (CWHR) data (Mayer and Laudenslayer 1988). The wildland vegetation of the study area (excluding agricultural, urban, water, and barren classes) contains 45 CWHR classes, 14 of which are >=0.75% of the wildland vegetation in the study area. CHWR classes were divided into 14 classes; shrubland-dominated versus non-shrubland-dominated types (annual grass, oak, conifer, mixed hardwood). 2) For the shrubland types the researchers determined the per pixel proportion of biomass by three plant life forms: tree, shrub, and herb. We further subdivided the shrub life form into three post-fire regeneration strategies: Obligate Resprouters (OR), obligate seeders (OS), and facultative seeders (FS), providing five plant types in total. Rasters depicting the proportion of biomass in each of the five plant types were created by first calculating the proportion of biomass in each type for the plots used in Schrader-Patton and Underwood (2021). The plot data contained individual plant species, crown width and height measurements. Using these measurements, the biomass was estimated for each individual plant within the plot by applying published allometric equations (see[ Schrader-Patton and Underwood 2021](https://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/13/8/1581) for details). The individual plants in the plots were classified into the five plant types and the proportion of biomass in each type were calculated for each plot. A multinomial model was used to relate these proportions to a suite of geophysical and remote sensing variables which, in turn, was applied to raster surfaces of these predictors. The final outputs were raster maps of the proportion of biomass by life form (tree, shrub, herb) and, for shrubs, the proportion of biomass by post-fire regeneration strategy (OR, OS, and FS) (Underwood et al. 2023). We used these raster layers to estimate other vegetative pools of biomass (e.g., below-ground shrub biomass using above- to below- ground ratios) for each post-fire regeneration strategy type (OR, OS, and FS) using information found in the published literature. 3) Third, estimates of standing dead, litter, and below ground biomass pools by either applying fractions of AGLBM gleaned the available published literature or by using biomass estimates in existing spatial datasets. The specific method used was dependent on the percentage of the WHR class in the study area and the vegetation type (shrub or non-shrub) * Credits: Schrader-Patton, C.C., E.C. Underwood, and Q.M. Sorenson. 2023. Annual biomass spatial data for southern California (2001–2021): Above- and belowground, standing dead, and litter. _Ecology_ e4031. Schrader-Patton, C.C. and E.C. Underwood. 2022. Annual biomass data (2001-2021) for southern California: above- and below-ground, standing dead, and litter. Dryad, Dataset, Underwood, E.C., Q.M. Sorenson, C.C. Schrader-Patton, N.A. Molinari and H.D. Safford. 2023. Resprouting, seeding, and facultative seeding shrub species in California’s Mediterranean-type climate region. _Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution_ 11:1158265. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2023.1158265 Data available in this Resource Kit is for 2001 and 2021 (year in file name changes accordingly). The full set of data for intervening years can be downloaded from:[ https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.qz612jmjt](https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.qz612jmjt) .