Look for complete geospatial metadata in this layer's associated xml document available from the download link * Metric Name: Shrub resiliency. Number of disturbance events per 15 year interval since 1975 * Tier: 2 * Data Vintage: 2019 * Unit Of Measure: A count metric indicating the number of times each site (at the pixel level) met a threshold of a 15-year fire-return interval from 1950 to 2019. * Metric Definition and Relevance: Count of short return interval fires (within 15 years) across southern CA (1950-2019) that can be used to identify sites that have experienced frequent fire (e.g. more than one fire within a 15 year period) that could lead to vegetation-type conversion. * Creation Method: Counts were aggregated from the CalFire state fire perimeter dataset using a moving time window of 15 years, which has been identified as a minimum threshold for chaparral or coastal sage scrub recovery after fire. Areas with more frequent fires within a 15-year window could result in decreased chaparral or coastal sage scrub recovery and increased occurrence of invasive species. Counts of 0 indicate a site experienced a single fire but no repeat fires within the 15-yr moving window. Counts of 1 to 9 indicate the number of fires beyond the initial event that recurred at the same pixel within the 15-yr moving window. Data can be used to identify sites that are likely to experience vegetation-type conversion. Source: Conlisk, E., A.D. Syphard, E. Storey, K. West, C. Ross, M.K. Jennings, D. Stow. 2021. Connecting Wildlands and Communities Research Team; San Diego State University * Credits: San Diego State University CWC Project Team \--San Diego State University’s Connecting Wildlands and Communities Project Team