Look for complete geospatial metadata in this layer's associated xml document available from the download link * Metric Name: Change in average Climatic Water Deficit * Tier: 3 * Data Vintage: 2022 * Unit Of Measure: mm * Metric Definition and Relevance: Change in Average Annual Climatic Water Deficit - Near Future - Drier. This raster dataset represents a projection of the difference in the mean annual climatic water deficit between the baseline period (1950-1980), and a near future period ( 2030-2059) under the MIROC (Drier) scenario of climate change. It is only available for the Southern California Region. * Creation Method: The climate variable in this layer is the change in average annual accumulated climatic water deficit relative to a baseline period. Climatic water deficit (CWD) measures the evaporative demand that exceeds available water, reflecting the impacts of available water or drought stress on plants. Higher CWD indicates a higher level of drought stress. Baseline annual accumulated CWD was averaged between 1950-1980 Near Future shows the average change in CWD as modeled for 2030-2059 Drier future projections were generated using the MIROC5 climate model under the business as usual RCP 8.5. * Credits: San Diego State University; Connecting Wildlands and Communities Project Team