Look for complete geospatial metadata in this layer's associated xml document available from the download link * Metric Name: Pacific Marten Suitable Habitat * Tier: 2 * Data Vintage: 2021 * Unit Of Measure: Categorical - classified into one of the following habitat suitability categories: Value Desc_ 0 Not suitable 1 Moderate foraging 2 High foraging 11 Moderate reproduction and foraging 22 High reproduction and foraging * Metric Definition and Relevance: The Pacific martin is a species of special concern, but it is not federally, or state listed at the present time. It is identified as a focal species by Region 5 of the US Forest Service. The Pacific marten is a high elevation, old forest associate that is sensitive to forest management and is an important carnivore in high elevation food webs. This metric evaluates the 1000 ac around each 30m pixel to determine if it meets the minimum habitat requirements to support a territory. The Pacific Marten includes the subspecies, Humboldt marten, which is limited to the coastal region of the northern California region. The Humboldt marten subspecies in California is covered in a separate metric. * Creation Method: CWHR classifications are based on a combination of FVEG canopy cover, FVEG size class and vegetation data. The vegetation data includes a variety of tree, shrub, grassland, and water dominated habitats. Species are considered present, and habitats considered suitable for each 30m cell for which the canopy cover-size-vegetation combination have been deemed highly or moderately suitable for the reproduction or feeding of that species in the California Wildlife Habitat Relationship database. Each cell was assigned the maximum suitability value, i.e. if a cell was moderately suitable for feeding and highly suitable for reproduction, it was considered highly suitable. * Suitable foraging vegetation types: WHRTYPE = MRI, RFR, DFR, WTM, LPN, SCN, MHC * Suitable foraging habitat: size/density classes = 4M, 4D, 5M,5D, 6 * Suitable denning vegetation types: WHRTYPE = MRI, RFR, DFR, LPN, SCN, MHC * Suitable denning habitat: size/density classes = 4M, 4D, 5M, 5D, 6 * Credits: * FVEG 2023 * California Department of Fish and Wildlife CWHR version 9.0 (CDFW); 2014