Look for complete geospatial metadata in this layer's associated xml document available from the download link * Metric Name: Pacific Fisher Predicted Habitat * Tier: 2 * Data Vintage: 2013 * Unit Of Measure: Probability, values range 0 - 0.8 * Metric Definition and Relevance: This layer shows the predicted probability of Pacific fisher ( _Pekania pennanti_ ) occurrence or potential habitat quality. This species is found in the Northern California and Sierra Nevada Regions. * Creation Method: The authors calculated and mapped habitat values using Maxent, environmental variables and detection points across portions of California, Oregon and Washington. They created a prediction of relative habitat suitability, and these values were converted to 0 in areas of recent clearcuts and high severity fire. They then smoothed the values by averaging them over a moving window that approximates the species’ home range size. Layer was then clipped to the CLPM statewide boundary, retaining the 90 meter resolution. NA (null) values within the Northern California and Sierra Nevada regions are areas not covered by the model. * Credits: * Conservation Biology Institute (CBI) - layer modeled in 2013 for the USFWS listing evaluation and used in Klamath Basin Connectivity Modeling as the basis for the resistance surface and core use areas. [Habitat Suitability, Pacific Fisher | Data Basin](https://databasin.org/datasets/88e5f5dda529425a9d4b92111b91e15d/) Spencer, W., Brice, J., DiPietro, D., Gallo, J., Reilly, M. and Rusigian- Romsos, H., 2019. Habitat Connectivity for Fishers and Martens in the Klamath Basin Region of California and Oregon. _Conservation Biology Institute. https://doi. org_ , _10_ , p.m9.