Look for complete geospatial metadata in this layer's associated xml document available from the download link * Metric Name: Nuttall’s woodpecker Habitat Suitability * Tier: 1 * Data Vintage: 2023 * Unit Of Measure: Categorical - classified into one of the following habitat suitability categories: Value Desc_ 0 Not suitable 1 Moderate foraging 2 High foraging 21 Moderate reproduction, High foraging 22 High reproduction and foraging * Metric Definition and Relevance: This layer shows highly suitable habitats for the reproduction and feeding of Nuttall's Woodpecker ( _Dryobates nuttallii_ ) within the species’ range. * Creation Method: CWHR classifications are based on a combination of FVEG canopy cover, size class and vegetation data. The vegetation data includes a variety of tree, shrub, grassland, and water dominated habitats. Species are considered present, and habitats considered suitable for each 30m cell for which the canopy cover-size-vegetation combination have been deemed highly suitable for the reproduction or feeding of that species in the California Wildlife Habitat Relationship database. * Credits: * FVEG 2023 * California Department of Fish and Wildlife CWHR version 9.0 (CDFW); 2014