Look for complete geospatial metadata in this layer's associated xml document available from the download link * Metric Name: Meadow Sensitivity Index * Tier: 2 * Data Vintage: 2019 * Unit Of Measure: Relative index * Metric Definition and Relevance: Sensitivity is a measure of the slope of the relationship between April 1st Snowpack and September vegetation wetness (Normalized Difference Water Index; NDWI). Data is based on percentile rank for the study region. The purpose of this dataset is to be used in conjunction with the decision framework: Gross, S., M. McClure, C. Albano, and B. Estes. 2019. _A spatially explicit meadow vulnerability decision framework to prioritize meadows for restoration and conservation in the context of climate change. Version 1_. The decision framework and this dataset can aid in the prioritization of meadow conservation and restoration in the context of other priorities in the Sierra Nevada and Cascade ranges in California. * Creation Method: This dataset was developed based on Albano et. al. 2019 and is a spatially explicit vulnerability assessment for the meadows in the Sierra Nevada ecoregion based on water availability and stress. By joining the climate vulnerability point layer on ID to the Sierra Nevada Multi-source Meadow Polygon Compilation layer, the meadow polygons that had values for the Sensitivity Index (SensNDWI) were selected and converted to raster. * Credits: Center for Watershed Sciences, UC Davis – see [Meadows](https://docs.google.com/document/d/15tXCMkEzUEgQKHoXL74cftwtLuz3z-Rm/edit#heading=h.338fx5o)