Look for complete geospatial metadata in this layer's associated xml document available from the download link * Metric Name: Functional Group Species Richness * Tier: 1 * Data Vintage: 2023 * Unit Of Measure: Number of species * Metric Definition and Relevance: Functional groups are sets of species that share life history characteristics that perform particular functions within an ecosystem. The six functional groups are represented and include a range of trophic levels and ecosystem services. A primary consideration in management is to maintain conditions, adapt to changing conditions and transition to alternate but still productive conditions over time. The maintenance of ecosystem services is a primary concern with climate change. * Creation Method: Species list created from CWHR is divided into six functional groups based on literature. The six functional groups include herbivores, predators, insectivores, soil aerators, seed/spore dispersers and cavity nesters/excavators. The diversity of each functional group is first determined by the number of species for which a given location provides high suitability reproductive habitat (as per species richness calculations). Target conditions can be generated based on percentiles of functional group richness across all patches, so that the 90th percentile or higher is considered in target conditions and the 10th percentile or below is considered to be in a fully departed condition. * Credits: * FVEG 2023 * California Department of Fish and Wildlife CWHR version 9.0 (CDFW); 2014