Look for complete geospatial metadata in this layer's associated xml document available from the download link * Metric Name: Goldspotted Oak Borer * Tier: 2 * Data Vintage: 2010 to 2021 * Unit Of Measure: specific to each attribute * Metric Definition and Relevance: Tree mortality and other forest damage is detected by annual aerial surveys over forested lands by state and federal agency staff. The primary purpose of the aerial survey is to create sketch maps of areas containing current year conifer and hardwood mortality, defoliation, and other damage. Number of trees and acres with damage are calculated for areas surveyed and reported annually using the methodology described below. Aerial surveys have been recognized for over fifty years as an efficient and economical method of detecting and monitoring forest change events over large forested areas. As with all remotely sensed data, some amount of ground-truthing is required before the data can be considered reliable. The goldspotted oak borer was identified based on field surveys starting in 2006, and coded as goldspotted oak borer during aerial detection surveys beginning in 2010. * Creation Method: Recent tree mortality and currently active non-mortality damage is sketch mapped on a mobile device by an aerial observer flying in a small fixed wing aircraft at ≈1000’ above ground level (AGL) searching for visibly dried and discolored foliage, typically yellow to reddish brown. Generally, two observers are onboard the aircraft surveying on opposite sides with about a two-mile swath width for each surveyor. Drawn polygons are then attributed with the following: a) damage type, mortality or one of several non-lethal damage types (topkill, defoliation, branch flagging, die back or discoloration) (field name: DAMAGE_TYP) b) percentage category of forest area affected, c) affected tree species and d) probable damage-causing agent (e.g., goldspotted oak borer). For more information go to [ttps://www.fs.usda.gov/detail/r5/forest- grasslandhealth/?cid=fsbdev3_046696](https://www.fs.usda.gov/detail/r5/forest- grasslandhealth/?cid=fsbdev3_046696) * Credits: R5 Aerial Detection Monitoring \--USDA Forest Service, Forest Health Monitoring (FHM)