Look for complete geospatial metadata in this layer's associated xml document available from the download link * Metric Name: Mean Percent FRI Departure, Since 1970 * Tier: 1 * Data Vintage: 2022. Includes disturbances through the end of 2022. * Unit Of Measure: Percent * Metric Definition and Relevance: Percent FRID (PFRID) quantifies the extent in percentage to which recent fires (i.e., since 1970) are burning at frequencies similar to those that occurred prior to Euro-American settlement, with the mean reference FRI as the basis for comparison. Mean PFRID measures the departure of current FRI from reference mean FRI in percent * Creation Method: The current FRI is calculated by dividing the number of years in the fire record (e.g., 2019-1970=49 years inclusive) by the number of fires occurring between 1970 and the current year in a given polygon plus one (CurrentFRI = Number of years/Number of fires +1). The mean reference FRI is an approximation of how often, on average, a given PFR likely burned in the three or four centuries prior to significant Euro-American settlement. This measure does not return to zero when a fire occurs, unlike FRID values used in some other analyses (e.g., NPS FRID Index). * Credits: * Fire History (2022), CAL FIRE * Existing Vegetation (CALVEG 2011), Region 5, MARS Team