Look for complete geospatial metadata in this layer's associated xml document available from the download link * Metric Name: Mean FRID Condition Class For Departure * Tier: 1 * Data Vintage: 2022. Includes disturbances through the end of 2022. * Unit Of Measure: Integer, -3 to 3 * Metric Definition and Relevance: This metric, uses the mean percent FRID to a measure of the extent to which contemporary fires (i.e., since 1908) are burning at frequencies similar to the frequencies that occurred prior to Euro-American settlement, with the mean reference FRI binned into another basis for comparison. Mean PFRID is a metric of fire return interval departure (FRID), and measures the departure of current FRI from reference mean FRI in percent. * Creation Method: This is a condition class categorization of the data in the Mean PFRID field. MeanCC_FRI categorizes the percent differences calculated in Mean PFRID using the following scale: * 1: 0 to 33.3% departure * 2: 33 to 66.7% departure * 3: >66.7% departure Negative condition classes (i.e., where fires are burning more often than under pre-Anglo-American settlement conditions) are categorized on the negative of the same scale: * -1: 0 to -33.3% * -2: -33 to -66.7% * -3: <-66.7% CC1 and CC-1 are mapped in the same class because they are both within 33% of the mean pre-settlement value. * Credits: * Fire History (2022), CAL FIRE * Existing Vegetation (CALVEG 2011), Region 5, MARS Team